Volunteer In Mission Teams
Volunteer in Mission Teams and Emergency Response Teams come to McCurdy usually for a week at a time as a means of making God’s difference in our community. Volunteers help with maintenance, construction, administration, and office work or in classrooms with programming. We have tasks for every ability, energy level and interest and as we update our campus, our volunteers will be even more critical to our ministries. Most importantly, we deeply appreciate the love of Christ our volunteers share with our students, staff, and community every day. All volunteer team members must be Safe Sanctuary certified. One of our VIM Team leaders says that McCurdy provides VIM Team LIGHT experiences because you have your own bed in your own room, share a bathroom with one other room and aren’t sleeping on the floor. For those looking for a less arduous VIM experience who want to enjoy Northern New Mexico, McCurdy is for you.
To learn more about our Volunteer in Missions Team programs, download the VIM Team Leader Handbook, the VIM Team Member Handbook, and the other documents regarding the requirements for volunteering below. For more information or to sign up for our Volunteer Blast Newsletter contact Eufemia Romero by email, eromero@mccurdy.org, or call her at 505-753-7221, ext. 210.
Thank you to our VIM Teams and Leaders. We couldn’t do our ministries without your support in administration, maintenance, and programs!
Click here to download the Volunteer in Missions Team Leader Handbook.
Click here to download the VIM Team Member Manual.
Click here to download Safe Sanctuary Training Instructions.
Click here to download Safe Sanctuary Training Standards.