Support McCurdy by Shopping
Support McCurdy Ministries Community Center through your shopping

Smith's Grocery Store
If you shop at Smith’s and want to support McCurdy Ministries Community Center, then consider signing up for the Smith’s Community Rewards Program at your Smith’s Grocery Store.

Amazon Gift Registry
An easy way to help McCurdy Ministries is to simply select an item or two each month to purchase from our Amazon Wish List. (It operates like a wedding registry site.) There is a wide variety items needed, from basic school supplies to cleaning products and snacks. Just be sure to select McCurdy Ministries Community Center on the address list at checkout so your items will ship directly to Española.
Amazon Wish List:

Box Tops for Education
Thank you for supporting McCurdy Charter School by collecting Box Tops for Education! Each Box Top collected and turned in by McCurdy Ministries Community Center means a 10 cent donation to help fund field trips, class parties and classroom supplies for MCS students. Since we began collecting Box Tops for the charter school we have helped the school earn an amazing $90,870!
Please note that the Box Tops for Education program is changing to an APP and will soon no longer provide the icon to clip. The new Box Tops mobile app uses state-of-the-art technology to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add Box Tops to your school's earnings online. To learn more about these changes and to download the APP, go to the website: